Canadian Tire Jumpstart

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you tell me more about Jumpstart?
Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities is a registered charity dedicated to removing financial barriers so kids across Canada have the opportunity to get off the sidelines and get into the game.
Jumpstart’s core purpose is to enrich the lives of kids (from 4 to 18) in need through sports and physical activity. We assist with the costs associated with registration, equipment and/or transportation.
Jumpstart helps kids explore a range of options by supporting over 70 different activities. In addition to enabling participation in high-profile sports like hockey, soccer and swimming, Jumpstart helps kids take dance lessons and martial arts classes, play ringette or take part in several dozen other activities. What kids do is up to them; we’re here to help them do it. 

How is Jumpstart funded?
As a registered charity, Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities receives donations and sponsorships from a wide variety of sources. Canadian Tire Corporation is Jumpstart’s biggest supporter as it funds all the general administrative expenses of Jumpstart, which means 100% of customer donations go directly to help kids in need.
Vendors from Canadian Tire, FGL Sports, Mark’s and Canadian Tire Financial Services are also key supporters, and funders, for the charity. As is the Government of Canada as well as several provincial governments that provide grants in support of youth and active living initiatives.
Anyone can make a donation to Jumpstart. Customers from across the Canadian Tire enterprise have been very generous to Jumpstart. We have also received donations from young children who donated their birthday party money; customers who donated in memory of a loved one; Canadian Tire employees and business partners who participated in fundraising events.

How old does a child need to be in order to be eligible for Jumpstart funding?
Jumpstart supports children between the ages of 4 and 18. 

What costs does Jumpstart funding cover?
Jumpstart assists with the costs associated with registration, equipment and/or transportation. Applying for funding does not guarantee approval of funding. Reimbursement for costs already paid by, or on behalf of, the family shall not be granted.

Can I apply for funding for all my children?
Yes, funding can be requested for more than one child in a family as long as the children are between the ages of 4 – 18 and the total family unit income (before tax) falls within Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) guidelines .

How long does a program have to be to qualify for funding?
Funding should be for a sustained program that is either a minimum of five weeks in duration with a minimum of one session per week, or in the case of sport camps, five consecutive days.

Can I request funding for two seasons in a row for my child?

Yes. Children can be funded for successive seasons in an activity up to a maximum of $300 per activity; subject to Chapter discretion and/or local demands. The annual maximum is $600; again, subject to Chapter discretion and/or local demands. 

Can I request funding for more than one sport for my child?
Yes. A child may be eligible to receive funding for more than one sport a year; however only one sport or activity is covered within each funding request.

My son/daughter is in Select/Rep/Elite league. Are they able to be covered for funding?
Jumpstart typically supports participation in sports or physical activity programming at the House League level. Exceptions are up to the discretion of the Chapter and/or Jumpstart Regional Manager; with the Regional Manager having ultimate approval. 

I know a child whose family can’t afford to have them participate in sports or physical activity programming. Can I apply for funding for the child on behalf of the family?
Unfortunately, the parent/guardian of the child will need to apply for funding for their child/children. Jumpstart realizes that family situations change, and we are here to offer assistance so that kids can continue to participate in the sports they love—or to learn a new sport. You can direct the parent/guardian to the Jumpstart website to apply for funding— and/or encourage them to call the Call Centre (1-844-YES-PLAY). If the parent/guardian is reticent about sharing their financial information, let them know that all information is kept confidential.

Can anyone apply for Jumpstart funding?
Revenue Canada’s Low Income Cut-offs (LICOs) which are published by Statistics Canada can be used as a starting point to determine if a family meets Jumpstart’s funding criteria. Families living below these income levels would meet Jumpstart’s requirements for funding support. 

How can I apply for funding for my child/children?
Please fully complete all sections of the attached application form and return it to Boys & Girls Club of Yorkton at 54C Smith Street West in Yorkton. As of January 15, 2015 you can also apply online at
Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3 must all be fully completed. Failure to do so will result in your application being returned to you for completion. This will delay our ability to process your request for funding.
Section 3: Endorsement must be completed by an appropriate Community Leader that can vouch for the financial need of the family. It is preferred that the Community Leader provide a letter indicating their relationship to the applicant verifying the applicant’s economic barrier to participation in the activity. The Community Leader should be in a position to identify and assess the economic barriers of the applicant.

Once I apply for funding does that mean my child is registered in the sport/activity?
No, it is the responsibility of the parent to work directly with the service organization to ensure a spot is available for their child. The child must be registered in the sport/activity before applying to Jumpstart. At the time of registration, please notify the sport organization that you are applying to have the fees (or portion thereof) covered by Jumpstart. We will contact the sport organization to confirm details of the application and notify them that the request for funding is being processed.

Can I apply for funding at any time?Applications for assistance can typically be submitted from January 15 to November 1, with the goal to be equitably distributed over Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter activities.

How long does it take for an application to be processed?

Typically, it takes between 6-8 weeks for an application to be processed. Please allow ample time for processing by submitting your application well in advance of the start date of the sport/activity.

Click here to apply 

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